Building a weather forecast app for my craft interview

As a test for my craft interview for a job hunt, I was assigned to consume an open weather api and build an application while adhering to the comps that were provided. Over the course of 2 and a half days, I came to a good stop and submitted my assigment.


It was an extremely fun project as I was able to build an application and add a few more features that may seem to be a little bit more useful and what the comps had provided. I had added zip code search, location search, added a day/night theme, and also localstorage to allow for the user to come back to the same location that was stored.

Overall it was a fun project. I used a very small set of libraries to ensure that I was building a performant application while showcasing my handwritten skills.

I also went to create a presentation with NextJS instead of a powerpoint as it was more of my craft to work with code instead a gui.

Check out the application here and the presentation here

Zigmund Sun Oo®